UserPro Bookmarks
User Bookmarks plugin will allow users to bookmark any content they want, categories, posts, forum topics, custom posts, and also manage their bookmarks into collections. The plugin offers a simple way to show the bookmarks and bookmark widget and can be integrated into any theme.
The essentials:
- Works with any custom post type;
- Users can create their favorite collections and choose to set them up as private or public (visible to all);
- Ajax-powered, very fast execution;
- Show the bookmark widget via dynamic sidebar widget;
- Show the bookmark widget via automatic mode below post content (you can customize which post types are allowed and exclude certain posts);
- Show the bookmark widget via shortcode [userpro_bookmark];
- Users can manage their collections and view bookmarks with a simple shortcode: [userpro_bookmarklist];
- Shortcodes/PHP methods to display the bookmark widget/collections;
- Comes with its own API for advanced use.
Users can favorite or bookmark posts, products, forum topics as well as any custom post types.