Trolls in your community and ways to stop them

If you’re new to the online world then it might be possible you haven’t dealt with trolls yet. If that’s the case, you will face it in the future. There are so many people in this online world that are dealing with the trolls on a daily basis on forums and online communities.If you want an online community that is free from all those trolls, you need to manage or stop them. There are so many ways to do that in the online community. Believe it or not, it is possible to build a community that is more engaging, friendly and free from negativity. Online communities are built to share ideas, ask for suggestions or share fruitful information. Trolls destroy the image of the community and spread negativity across the web.

Online communities were originally created as places for people to help each other and find solutions to other difficulties. These trolls happening in online communities are keeping on risk to the honest community members. They feel unsafe to participate in a forum or community discussions.

It is really important to control or stop these trolls. If not, you’ll surely lose your community members and healthy community environment.

Here, we’re discussing top ways to stop the internet troll from your online community:

Set standards and policy

The content that you share or your community members share will set the tone of the community, but you can still set the guidelines for everyone. In policies you must clearly mention, what to post and what not to mention in the community to set the right tone of the community. If you allow anyone to post anything without any moderation, then you’ll regret later on.

For example – you can mention in the guidelines that political post or inappropriate comments will not be allowed in the community. Also, don’t allow people to post if they do the self-promotion or make the negative inappropriate comments in the community.

If you set the certain guidelines in the community then people will think twice before going against the rules.

Take a serious action

When someone breaks the rule, you have the right to delete those negative comments or inappropriate posts. Give them a warning and if they still don’t understand – block them.

Trolls want attention – just ignore them

Trolls are always looking for attention. They want to make you angry, disappointed, sad or even uncomfortable. Ignoring them is the key to stop trolls in the community. If you completely ignore them, they won’t get a response and they’ll most likely go away.

Have a flag system

You can utilize the peer review rating system. Keep a system ON to flag the post or comments by the community members or moderators. This is the best way to inform the community manager about violation of the policies in the community.

Nowadays, trolls are a symptom of success, as they only bother communities that have a large number of community members and activities. Keep applying the rules fairly, monitor activities, post and comments of the members. Respond to emerging situations quickly before they create any trouble.

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Published by Gintare

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